Preparing a coffee cupping to select beans

We are determined to bring you the best decaf and caffeinated coffees, combined!

When we came up with the idea for Caffeine Control Coffee, we wanted to create something that is a reflection of us. So, as we have been building this website and business it seems like a good idea to tell you about our approach and intentions.


The Concept of Caffeine Level Based Blends


This was borne from personal experience in the coffee industry, particularly when we drink far too much coffee.

I used to joke about drinking coffee all day at events, and then having alcohol in the evenings to socialise and "even out" from the over caffeination. Unfortunately, while this sounds fun in the short term, it really wears out the body over time (and it really doesn't negate the caffeine anyway).

The result of my historical over-caffeination was a lessening of the effectiveness of caffeine, and very poor sleep in general. 


Side Effects of Excessive Caffeine

  • jitters and shakes
  • disrupted sleep
  • fast or uneven heartbeat
  • high blood pressure
  • headaches
  • nervousness or anxiety
  • dizziness
  • dependency
  • dehydration
  • irritability
  • heartburn
  • stomach upset, diarrhea, and nausea
  • muscle tremors

Because of this I would do caffeine detoxes, or essentially cutting out caffeine entirely, in order to reset my body and regain the impact of caffeine. Trouble is, you end up with headaches and generally not feeling great when you suddenly cut out that morning pick-me-up. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms generally go away in 48 hours, but when accustomed to large amounts it can last longer.

However, if I could get just enough caffeine, I found that withdrawal symptoms (other than being a bit less speedy) didn't show up! 


Our Concept: Managing Caffeine Levels


It can be difficult to manage just how much coffee you are drinking from day to day, week to week, especially when you just aren't fully awake before that first cup. 

Instead of trying to manage how many cups you have each day, why not lessen the impact of each cup you drink, which means you can manage your caffeine much easier.

By making the question "How do I get less caffeine in each cup?" rather than "How do I get by with fewer cups?" it can be easier to handle the idea of cutting back.


The 4-Week Caffeine Reduction Plan


Four 250g bags of coffee, one for each week, with progressively lower caffeine as you go. Depending on just how much coffee you are drinking each week this might not line up exactly with one bag per week, but the idea to start the next bag once the preceding blend is finished. 


Caffeine Levels for Different Times of the Day


With plenty of research going on lately around sleep quality, morning routines, and other ways to improve physical and mental wellbeing, we can recommend our blends based on time of day as well:

Full Speed - Fully Caffeinated Arabica Coffee - First thing in the morning, or 6am to 9am

Slow Burn - Moderately Caffeinated Coffee - Late start or second cup in the morning, or 9am to noon (This one is my personal daily drinker)

Low Impact - Lightly Caffeinated Coffee - Afternoon pick-me-up, or noon to 3pm

Smooth Sailing - Decaffeinated Coffee - Anytime you like, but in particular after 3pm


So between our 4 week reduction and the ability to moderate caffeine based on time of day, we think there is a better way to enjoy coffee. We actually love the Slow Burn blend most of our mornings, as it gives us a much more gentle caffeine kick without a big crash in the afternoons.

In the future we may explore higher caffeine options to give more options, but for now we love the calmness that reduced, but not always eliminated, caffeine gives us.

We hope you find health and happiness through our coffees!


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