Hey there...

Founded by Pete Licata,World Barista Champion (2013), and Maria Licata, an experienced coffee professional and competitor.

We are a Melbourne, Australia based coffee roasting business focused on products that help manage caffeine intake through the day. Caffeine Control Coffee is born from our decades of coffee experience and life lessons learned along the way.

Many coffee companies treat decaf as a low quality and unimportant aspect of their business. In reality there are many very nice decaf coffees out there, especially when they are roasted and cared for properly. And when you mix regular and decaf coffees, a bit of magic can happen.

Caffeine content and great flavour are our main focal points, because we don't think caffeine is bad, but too much can lead to negative effects, especially sleep quality. 

Join us as we redefine how to approach coffee on a daily basis, and find your perfect balance!